ability to pause in single player
Comments: 29
08 May, '24
ChubbyNinja Mergedjust need a pause feature for solo or local servers with no other players present. 7daystodie does this and disables the pausing when someone joins your game.
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09 May, '24
Alexandra MergedIf I'm the only one playing why can't I pause the game?
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09 May, '24
Insanetrix MergedI'd love the ability to pause the game while playing solo, I don't have long stretches of time to play with friends anymore but still get small bits in between chores, I'd love the ability to press escape and for the server to pause. I get why this cant be for multiplayer servers, however for my single player it would be great.
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09 May, '24
Fjoesne MergedAs I have to be able to play in my own pace, pause is a dealbreaker for me. I can imagine a lot of reasons for players to depend this as well, perhaps even in terms of accessibility. I struggle to see why this isn't standard functionality for private games where nobody else should have access, why would this be so difficult to implement?
Ideally this should be default when opening, or focusing on, anything not related to gameplay, such as a game settings menu. I.e., pressing escape / opening the game menu pauses the game automatically when possible instead of having a dedicated button for pause. -
09 May, '24
Bill Paxton MergedPause. Very simple concept for people with lives. Its a feature of Mario Bros. and just about 95% off games.
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09 May, '24
Daniel MergedPlease add a pause feature for solo play, like Valheim has.
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10 May, '24
Ridwan MergedPlease make feature pause for solo player, It's not just me, I read from the forum (https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/18rayph/pausing_v_rising/) some of the player need the feature pause so they can play the game with ease when family call them.
Please consider this.
Thank you -
11 May, '24
SUM1100%. I've seen this requested a lot. No reason not to have it. Hope it gets implemented.
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13 May, '24
Kristoffer Admin"pause feature for solo" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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13 May, '24
Kristoffer Admin"Add the ability to pause for solo play" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '24
Kristoffer Admin"When in a solo world, opening a menu should pause time" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '24
Kristoffer Admin"Pause for solo play" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '24
Kristoffer Admin"Pause in private games." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '24
Kristoffer Admin"Pause when playing Solo" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '24
Kristoffer Admin"Pause function for solo player" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-05-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 May, '24
NisI play Solo only, just some casual chill play in between full-time adulting. I need to be able to pause the game when my kid needs help with her algebra, or when I need to hit the next set of my workout, pee break, fold laundry, etc. Please and thank you!
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14 May, '24
TiMiI hope "pause game" will be implemented ASAP. I found it ridiculous I have to logout/exit the game, just because I need to answer the phone... and if i do i found my char dead... Make it possible for god sake. Thank you and bless you all! Love, TiMi
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14 May, '24
SamCatsPlease add pause for local solo servers. Sometimes a vampire has to drop an evil deuce and it's annoying I have to quit to the main menu to make sure I don't get deep fried by the sun while I drop the bat babies off at the pool.
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15 May, '24
DarthMalak+1 on pause feature and +1 on no music/sound when the game is minimized.
17 May, '24
CWI don't understand how all these survival games with options for explicit single player modes don't do this already.
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17 May, '24
MaxwellIs it that hard to implement this? Why is pausing still not implemented??
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23 May, '24
zachPlease add this, i've resorted to just quiting the game to pause now
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29 May, '24
LemI have 26 hours in this game and I just can't keep playing until a pause is implemented. With pets, a spouse, roommates, kids, or just having a life going on outside of the PC, some of us can't play this game because we need to be able to pause at moment's notice. The further you get into the game, the greater the consequences of not being able to pause.
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31 May, '24
PotentialCustomerConsidered buying this when I saw it on the Steam crafting survival game fest promotion, but without a pause function it's not an option for me.
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06 Jun, '24
Kurtis MarriottSpider Form somewhat alleviates this issue, but not fully. would still be a nice feature
30 Oct, '24
James MarstersIf I'm playing solo, why should I need to find a teleporter or quit the game just to go to the washroom, answer the door, or get something out of the oven?
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10 Nov, '24
ThefinpopeI love getting killed in my single-player game because I had to drain the lizard.
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18 Jan
mishaakuI've returned the game and will not purchase again until single player pause is implemented. I'm not going to quit to main menu use the bathroom or take a phone call. Not having a pause available on a single player server is unacceptable for single player.
31 Jan
recsaThere's a special place in Hell for Devs that doesn't allow to pause in single player, i thought you might want to know it