Ideas for Attribute / skill system and Equipment rework / servant rework. LONG POST

121 votes

I propose here that an attribute and skill system be added to V rising. Mainly six Attributes, a weapon skill for each of the seven weapons plus unarmed (total eight) and a crafting skill tied to each of the crafting floor types. All attributes and skills are ranked from zero to thirty.

Leading with attributes there would be six in total, one for each blood type in the game. Performing either the quick feeding execution or the full feed on an opponent provides Exp towards the corresponding attribute. First kills on V blood bosses would provide a smattering Exp to all Attributes. The six Attributes and corresponding blood types in no particular

Agility - Creature - Directly affects Movement speed
Strength - Warrior - Affect base attack power
Endurance - Brute - HP maximum
Perception - Rogue - Affects Both critical chance and damage
Encumbrance - Worker - Affects number of inventory slots.
Vitae - Scholar - Boosts spell power, plus other effect listed later

More posts coming.

Feedback Suggested by: MICHAEL DELEONARD Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 7

Comments: 7