Petition to the throne,

124 votes

The post will be some thing of a long one consisting of multiple posts.
This is something that will pop up once you have a throne at the castle. Random NPC's will petition you for favors. The favors are quests; favors will range from request for resources, in exchange for silver or blood essence, request for say a specific target to be killed ( rare and always a V blood that spawns for it) inexchange for the supplicant to offer them selves up as vampire servant or prisoner. The supplicant always has at least 95% blood quality.

Next up would be a wondering merchant that has a stock he is willing to trade for; recieving the merchant as the local wandering merchant spawn as a safe trader (human form not required) that lasts for ten minutes before despawning.

Feature Request Suggested by: MICHAEL DELEONARD Upvoted: 18 Apr Comments: 2

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